Did You Know These 10 Surprising Facts About The Love-Filled Occasion Of Valentine’s Day?

Seven days is all that stands between the World and Valentine’s Day. A momentous occasion, a special day dedicated to lovers around the world, a day on which we recognize the impact of every woman in our lives- call it whatever you want, every individual will have a unique reason that makes this day special to them.

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Every year, on this auspicious date of February 14th, a large number of flowers, gifts, candies and cards are exchanged around the world as people take some time off from their busy schedules to be with their special “valentine.” This day of romance is a special occasion (and holiday in some places) where we make the most of the afforded opportunity to show the ones we love how much we value their presence in our lives. A day celebrated by millions around the world, Valentine’s Day inspires a flurry of transactions involving gifts and cards being sent to the ones we love.

Like all those special occasions, holidays, and events going on around the world, there are a number of surprising facts about this special day of love that you may have been unaware of. Here we take a look at 10 of the most intriguing revelations about Valentine’s Day.

1.     Globally, as many as 50 million roses are sent out every year on the occasion of Valentine’s Day

2.     The first candy box for Valentine’s Day was invented back in the 1800s by Richard Cadbury

3.     The Italian city of Verona– literature enthusiasts are likely to recognize it as the native place of William Shakespeare’s immortal romantic couple Romeo and Juliet- receives as many 1000 letters each year on February 14, addressed to Juliet

4.     The popularity ratings suggest that most number of Valentine’s Day cards are gifted to teachers followed by children, mothers, wives, and sweethearts while pets also feature at the end of the list

5.     The year 2015 will witness the production figures for candy hearts hitting the 8 billion mark. That is enough candy to stretch 20 times back and forth between Rome, Italy and Valentine, Arizona

6.     Every Valentine’s Day, as many as 220,000 marriage proposals are made on an average

7.     Regarded as a symbol of love, the red rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love

8.      In the USA, every Valentine’s Day witnesses the sale of $1 billion worth of chocolates

9.     It was back in 1537 when February 14 was officially declared as a holiday to commemorate St. Valentine’s Day by the English King Henry VII

10.    In the Middle Ages, young men and women would draw names from bowls to determine their Valentine. This would be worn on their sleeves for a week for everyone to see. This was how the expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve” came into existence

Wondering about the holiday customs of Valentine’s Day? Watch this video and learn more about the history of Valentine’s Day.

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